Dear Veterinarian:
Today we are offering veterinarians a special discounted price on a pack of C-well eyedrops, in order to encourage development of this product. By filling out a contact form and getting in touch with us, we will answer any questions involved in researching, manufacturing, and marketing of this eye drop. You will receive a discount of up to 40% on one single order. The company, like the scientific community at large, believes that research in regenerative medicine holds great promise for future safe and effective treatments for many veterinary medical conditions. However, the ultimate proof rests in obtaining interpretable data from well-controlled, well-designed scientific studies. The results of this research will help all of us more fully understand the potential benefits and risks associated with this eyedrop. We encourage you to review the information provided in this letter and share this letter with others in your profession. If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to fill out the contact form below.